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Hydropower – an important part of the future’s energy supply

At Skellefteå Kraft we have worked with hydropower for over 100 years. It is a part of our history, but also an important part of the future’s energy supply. Currently, 70 per cent of our energy comes from hydropower, which makes us one of Sweden’s largest actors in this area. At present we own, operate and perform maintenance on 14 larger hydropower plants.

Energy from a planet’s natural cycle

Hydropower is a part of the planet’s natural cycle and is fully renewable. Therefore, it is an important energy source for the future. However, there are challenges in maintaining a good environment in the areas where the power plants and dams are built – challenges that we are working hard to tackle in the best possible way.

We are developing our hydropower

From rivers in Norrland to the rest of Sweden

Our hydropower comes from the mighty rivers in the north. At present we operate 14 larger facilities, and most of them are close to our headquarters in Skellefteå. Proximity is key; it gives us easy access to the power plants and good control over our energy sources.

Safety first

With over 100 years of experience of hydropower, we have developed technologies and routines that prioritise safety. We have our own organisation that works with satisfying the increasingly stringent safety requirements imposed on dams.

Skel­lef­teå Kraft

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Power plant museum