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Blaiken Wind Farm

Skellefteå Kraft and Fortum have, through the company Blaiken Vind AB, built a wind farm in the Blaiken area of northern Sweden. The wind farm was completed in 2017 and now consists of 99 wind turbines with a total capacity of around 247.5 MW, making Blaiken the largest land-based wind farm in Europe.

The farm’s annual production of around 700 GWh/year corresponds to the annual energy consumption of 161,500 apartments, and the overall investment cost amounts to SEK 3.3 billion. As of July 1, Skellefteå Kraft owns 100% of Blaiken Wind Farm.

Good wind resources

The national wind survey carried out by Uppsala University has identified the Blaiken area as a very good location for wind power production with an average wind of 7.5–8 m/s. Another advantage is that, due to the existing hydropower plant in the area, it is both easy and cost-effective to connect the wind turbines to the national grid.

Winds are changing

The third and fourth stages in the Blaiken Wind Farm have involved changes – both technical and cultural. A new supplier from across the world has placed entirely new demands on everyone involved. It has brought new challenges, but also new possibilities.

New technology in development

Blaiken is a low mountain area which is located on the border between Sorsele and Storuman in Västerbotten County. At 734 metres over sea level, it is cold, windy, and icy. Such an environment places high demands on the technical equipment. The 60 wind turbines that form part of the two previous stages of the Blaiken project are based on technology which supplies the turbines with gear boxes that convert the slow rotation in the rotor into a higher rotation speed for the generator. It is a tried-and-tested technology, but it has many moving parts that are subject to heavy wear. Prior to commencement of the third stage then, the sights were set on China, and on a so-called gearbox-less, direct-drive magnetic generator.

Classified as a demonstration project

By using both of these technologies we will have a safety valve if we experience problems with any of the two de-icing systems. Meanwhile, it is interesting to follow and study how technologies that have been developed for Blaiken are affected by the climate. The wind farm is classified as a demonstration project and has been awarded a grant of EUR 15 million via the EU’s Framework Programme NER300, which aims to promote renewable energy and the development of new technology.

“This means that other actors within the industry will come here to see and learn. Wind power in an Arctic climate is of global importance and we are sharing our experiences with the de-icing system,” said Mikael Lindmark, CEO, Blaiken Vind.

Investment that creates jobs

The total investment cost for the Blaiken project is SEK 3.3 billion. The project has created hundreds of construction jobs, and jobs for installation and peripheral work.

Sustainability is important

For Skellefteå Kraft, sustainability is a central concept. That applies to everything, from the production of renewable energy to the people who are affected by operations. Finding the balance and harmony between society’s need for energy and the conditions for local residents, animals, plants and industries has always been a prerequisite for making the wind farm in Blaiken a reality.

Development collaboration with Chinese Dongfang

The agreement with Dongfang was the first deal of its kind between a Swedish power company and a Chinese supplier. It is also the first time that Dongfang has produced and delivered wind turbines to Europe to this extent, and to an area with an Arctic climate. In April of 2014, Skellefteå Kraft therefore sent a delegation to China to monitor the quality assurance process for stage three.

Multicultural workplace

The wind farm in Blaiken has been a big employer during the installation phase, with many nationalities represented. During the first two stages, the labour force was mainly from Sweden and other European countries, but during stage 3, many Chinese workers were also involved, who now found themselves in a new world.



Number of wind turbines: 99
Tower height: 100 m in Stages 1 and 2 and 90 m in Stages 3 and 4
Rotor diameter: 100 m in Stages 1 and 2 and 110 m in Stages 3 and 4
Annual production: 700 GWh

Important part to play

Blaiken wind farm will play an important role in reaching Swedish and international goals regarding the production of renewable energy. It decreases the dependency on energy sources with a greater environmental impact and can contribute to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by around 690,000 tonnes/year.



Skel­lef­teå Kraft

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