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The PWR001 Electric Racing Car

We’ve built an electric racing car. Sounds like a lot of fun, but believe us – we have learned a lot about how to make the transport sector renewable.

På svenska. The transition to a renewable energy system means that we need to look at everything from how we heat our homes and charge our phones to how we move around.

The PWR001 electric racing car is teaching us a lot about what the transition of the transport sector needs in order to succeed.

The number of electric cars is increasing rapidly and Skellefteå Kraft wants to be part of this development. Not only through investments in charging infrastructure and smart, customized technology solutions that make it easier to use electrified vehicles, but also through projects like this.

Skellefteå Kraft’s work on building an electric car for racing, however, is about more than just developing electric vehicles. It is at least as much about changing attitudes among individuals and decision-makers.

An ongoing project that we can learn a lot from

We joined with PWR Racing to build the PWR001 electric racing car.

It can certainly move. From 0 to 100 km/h in 2.9 seconds. A top speed of just under 300 kilometres per hour.

Motor sport exposes cars to much more extreme use and extreme traffic than they normally have to deal with.

– This project will be ongoing so we can keep learning more about how an electrified transport sector develops, through testing and evaluation, says Sanna Lundström, Acting Business Area Manager Market at Skellefteå Kraft.

The car was presented to the public for the first time in late 2018.

The development partners are Skellefteå Kraft, PWR Racing, STCC, Höganäs and Combitech.


Peak torque 1080 Nm
Drive Rear-wheel drive
Battery capacity 41 kWh
Number of battery cells 350
Time for full charge about 1 hour
Acceleration 0-100 km/h in less than 3 seconds
Top speed Just under 300 km/h
Weight of battery pack 366 kg
Total weight of car 1 510 kg
Weight distribution 44 %/56 %  (front/rear)
Peak power 612 hp / 450 kW

Just like us, our partners believe in 100% renewable energy and want to create a positive change in society with new smart technology solutions.”

Sanna LundströmSanna Lundström, Acting business area manager market
at Skellefteå Kraft




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