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The Klockaren housing cooperative is in tune with the times

Inspiring initiatives and motivating demands. These are the success factors for the Klockaren housing cooperative, which is securing its future with 100% renewable energy – and the cheers of approval from its members.

Making decisions can be challenging enough for a homeowner. Agreeing on the colour of the facade or the size of the terrace. In the Klockaren housing cooperative, the wants and desires of 201 apartments will come together. 

Fortunately, they all seem to want to go in exactly the same direction: forward.

Can frugality be attractive? Absolutely!

By being frugal with the right stuff, the housing cooperative has become very popular.

By frugal, we mean saving, streamlining and producing. And by the right stuff, we mean energy.

How? First with the help of hot air recovery. And now with charging posts and solar cells from Skellefteå Kraft. By installing 189 charging posts, the cooperative has actually made one of the largest installations in Sweden to date. Plus, an increase in the number of electric car owners.

An endeavour that is both enjoyable and reliable

The combination of commitment, faith in the future and help from industry experts has created a modern housing cooperative that members enjoy living in, both now and in the future.

Future-proofed from ground level to rooftop.

In addition, some money is coming in from the surplus generated by the solar panels. So, by sharing your 100% renewable energy with more people, your electricity bill will also be lower.

Which is not a bad thing, either. Quite the opposite.

One of many great ways to make the transition to 100% renewable energy together.